Never even in my
less romantic dreams did I imagine finding one day a lion’s head knocker with a
skull in the handle; even less that I’d one day have probably the largest
collection of door knocker photographs in Portugal. They simply mesmerize me. I
can’t walk past a rusty or a shiny knocker without taking a photo of it. I just
can’t. I’ve tried, but I can’t. I imagine the people who live(d) in those
houses, the people who came knocking, what they wanted, what they got; did they
ever have a look at the knocker before grasping it, how did the metal feel in
their hands, cool, hot?
My dream hasn't come true yet, there's no knocker on my door, lion's head or any other. Not yet, anyway.
Lion's head holding a skull.
Angeiras, Matosinhos, Portugal, 2010
Been knocked too many times.
Porto, 2010
If I touch it, will it turn into rusty dust?
Vila do Conde, 2011.
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