29 Sept 2015

The web

When I first started photographing in Portugal, I fell in love with the colours. Now I'm getting more and more interested in black&white. Could it be so that the colours distort what's essential?

All photos from Gião, Vila do Conde, 2015.

24 Sept 2015

Hi, I'm E.T. Who are you?

I don't actually like bugs very much, but they are fun to photograph. They seem to be curious about the lens of the camera - maybe they see their own reflection there - and they pose patiently while the photographer searches for different angles.

This praying mantis (as I was told it's called), or mantis religiosa, was resting on a stone wall next to a field. They say that the female eats her partner after mating. So, all bugs are not as sympathetic as they look.

All photos Gião, Vila do Conde, 2015.